- July 6, 2021
- By Dollars4clunkers
- junk cars
5 tips finding $500 cash for your junk car
I travel around the world. I have never seen cash for junk cars available at any place. Many people have junk cars in their streets, backyards, and even on the side of highways. If they were to sell their junk cars, they could be making at least $500.00 cash for your car. However, many people could care less.
For those aware, selling junk cars can be a major source of income. You could even build yourself a business in the junk car industry. I once knew a woman that bought an empty lot for $20,000 USD. She used the empty parking lot to sell old cars that she had bought in her town. She put advertising signs in parkways, on newspapers, and even went as far as putting an ad on a local tv station. She lined up the vehicles in rows based on car models, make, and year. A move that would be very smart in the future. She bought a small office and hired a cashier to handle transactions for auto parts. She charged ten dollars for entry into the car lot. Many mechanics in the area were in need of car parts. So, she began encouraging mechanics to bring their own tools and even giving them a map of the lot where specific car parts were located. She charged $40-$50 for the parts that the mechanics disassembled and brought to the front office. Through all her efforts, it is safe to say she made a very good living. As of recently, she sold her business for 20 million dollars- making a big fortune.
With little money, I started my own junk car gig. I began selling junk cars to towing companies near me. I offered $500.00 cash for every car in my possession. Many towing companies did not have their title handy but with their VIN number, they were able to print the title automatically. Therefore, most times you don’t need a title for junking your car, as long as the title doesn’t have a lienholder. Most times you could sell the vehicle. Although, if you owe tickets under your license, that’s a different story.
The towing can make an easy trip. All you have to do is call them. They will show up to pick up your car. So next time you see some Car trash on the street, ask around. You might just make a fortune.
Donating is a good idea or getting $500 cash for your car
Some people like donating their cars to friends or strangers, but donating the car to the wrong person can be devastating. That car is under your name so they still will not give you proof of the vehicle transfer title. With us, you will get a transfer title under the companies name to who you are selling the car to.
Don’t waste any time going through your records attempting to find your title because we can always reprint one. However, if you go to any title company they will do it for you. Be aware that there is a charge of $25.00 or more for printing you a title. As long as you have an ID, you can sell your title.
Setup appointment first is a good idea, get $500 cash for your car
Win-win spare change that you can use for anything that might be sitting in your garage or backyard. All you have to do is set up an appointment for a towing truck to pick up your car and it will be sold.
Dan will give you a few tips on why you should pay cash for your car. These tips will help you understand the financing side. It can be difficult making these big decisions. Dan’s video will give you a better idea of whether to pay cash for your car.